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Productes turístics

Nòrdic Walking route 2.

SKU: nordwal2 Category:


Towpath Delta

This route is part of the project “Restoration of riparian forest integral part of the Ebro river between Tortosa and the mouth”, developed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment.

The action has recovered riparian right bank of the Ebro delta Sirga the old way. This path was located on the banks of the river and linked closely with Chalupas, boats sailed Ebro transporting mainly rice upstream and scarce raw Delta (stone, wood, etc ..) downstream.

The boat trip was dragged upstream from the shore to animals, mules or people, sirgadors. Downstream, the current advantage and could use a lateen to harness the wind.

In the middle of the twentieth century, with improved communication rolled by rail and road and construction of reservoirs Ribaroja, Flix and Mequinensa, Ebro definitely lost its role as communication channel and therefore meant the loss of river navigation and Chalupas.


Distance: 21.6 miles

Location: Amposta, Ballad, Saint James of Envy, the South

Duration: 3 hours

Slope: nonexistent. Completely flat

Difficulty: medium

Users on foot, by bicycle.

Type of firm: earth

Recommended season: all year

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