| Tel. +34 977 460 839

Rent bikes


Rent bikes

  • Chiled: 2-4 o 6 years old.
  • Junior: 6 to 12 years old.
  • Adult: starting from 12 years old.
  • Tandem: a new biking experience (max. 2 persons)..


Prices and tariffs

Time Type Price
1 hour Man / Woman 4,00 €
Teen 3,00 €
Child 2,00 €
Tandem 8,00 €
½ day (4 hours) Man / Woman 10,00 €
Teen 8,00 €
Child 4,00 €
Tandem 20,00 €
1 day (8 hours) Man / Woman 15,00 €
Teen 10,00 €
Child 7,00 €
Tandem 30,00 €
24 hores Adult 20,00 €
Altres 15,00 €
1 setmana Adult 50,00 €
Altres 45,00 €
7 dies Adult 65,00 €
Altres 50,00 €
½ DAY 25€ – plus aperitifs
(Minimum groups of 4 persons)


Accessories bikes

All the bikes come with helmet. Please order a bike-basket in advance.

Cadireta Baby-sitt
(until 22 Kg)
5,00 €
Barra bicicleta Cane / Bar.
Attachment for child bike,
like this you can “carry” your child
in case it’s getting tired
½ dia 5,00 €
1 dia 10,00 €
Bici carret, remolc Cart (until 25 Kg)
Car for 2 babies (max. 36 kg)
½ dia 10,00 €
1 dia 15,00 €

