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Course intermediate Kitesurf


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Kite-LEVEL 2 BODY DRAG: Course specific exercises in the water, the groups will be from 2 to 3 people, it is wise group of 2 persons for faster learning and evolution to avanzar.Durant the course we follow the methodology FCDV teaching and IKO.

Kitesurf Course Level 2 Body-Drag:
1: In the water started to fly a kite 8m depending on the intensity of the wind, we exercise kite positioning the 2 sides of the kite down window.

Important: We always choose the measure of the kite depending on wind strength, classes for learning more security on keychain winds 12 to 16 knots, the stronger would open a smaller kite.

2: Relaunch of the kite in the water when the kite is in the water with the edge touching the water, cross the middle bar to pull back and start a line of direction, can be left or right, when the kite starts up almost vertically and is almost out of the water will begin to pull within line while shooting.

When the kite is dropped in the water with the leading edge facing up, we’ll pull the 2 lines of strong power, this causes the kite to rotate the leading edge towards the water, then start the relaunch.

Important: When we practice relaunching the kite in the water not pull the bar, for added safety when the kite takes off and we do not take power when climbing, it is also important not to pull bar in light winds because the kite too close tips, the ends of the kite, the kite we close too and we drop past the window.

3: Recovery kitesurf when we fall to practice water-start, will position the kite at 45 degrees for a wider range of fitted, will position the body horizontally, with a extentida hand we will helm and take a course, with the other hand we take the bar of the middle and it’ll pull hard to catch and drag to fetch the table.

Important: Make tight zigzag long to earn enough wind, for example if the table falls 30 meters we our windward above us, make a beat about twice or more, always watching and not lose the position and direction of our table.

4: When we have these exercises safely, started looking for power with eight kite shaped, 12 to the sides of the window completely routing the vertical bar for a major shift in the kite and get enough power to to drag through the water, these exercises serve to grab power when we come to the table and start practicing exit the water-start, we explain the 3 Level.

Important: If the wind is more intense, the movements of eight kite shaped to look softer and power will not lower the kite toward both sides of the window.

5: Enable security system our kite:

1: When we were away and we are left with no wind or the wind has changed our sense activate the security system we have the chiken-loop, activate the safety kite loses power and we are left with the power line let cojidos by the leash, give 4 or 5 turns to the line that goes by the leash Fucking and barra.Cuando seguramos to have secured this line and we can start to pick up the other lines, but will make sure the first line of the leash regardless of the other bar kite with lines could be placed in tension and could not pick up the kite safely.

Let swimming towards the kite and before we have lines recojidas to the bar and secured, we let go of the bar and we cojemos the kite if the wind is favorable tried reversing the kite with the leading edge upward and we try to position above the center of the kite, once cojemos above vertices one end of the kite, it can serve as a boat to drag us into a direction toward the shore.

But we have enough to move with the wind kite remain cojidos kite and try to swim away.

Important: The kite is our life to be and remain visible above the water, if the address is totally from land to sea without having rescue boat, the best option is to activate the security system and activate the leash of our belt and leave our equipment and swim out to our table

The organization reserves the right to modify the schedule and location of the activity for organizational reasons if it considers it appropriate, without implying any reduction or credit of the amount of activity and cancel Activity if due to weather or safety or deemed appropriate.

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